Washing Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/wp/2012/11/14/no-love-for-susan-rice-from-john-mccain-lindsey-graham-and-kelly-ayotte/ President Obama defends Susan Rice against criticism from John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte As Obama’s longest-serving foreign policy adviser, Susan Rice, 47, is reportedly under consideration to succeed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Stephen Chernin — AFP/Getty Images) President Obama strongly defended U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice against attacks Wednesday by a trio of Republican senators who said she is ill-qualified to serve as secretary of state because of how she explained the roots of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Bristling with evident indignation during a news conference , Obama said Rice has “done exemplary work” with “skill, professionalism and toughness and grace.” He then made a pointedly and almost personal challenge to Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) , Li...