
Showing posts from August, 2016


MSWGCA!! * INITIAL FOUR MONTHS CONTRACT FOR 600 SOCIAL WORKERS TO BE DEPLOYED THROUGHOUT SIERRA LEONE* {Courtesy:  MSWGCA Whatsapp Group}     Dr. Sylvia Olayika Blyden -  MSWGCA  I'm proud to announce solely for this our internal ministerial discussions that our ministry is almost concluding arrangements with Donor partners for us to contract an additional 600 (six hundred) Social Workers to be deployed throughout Sierra Leone. We are now negotiating with NRA to see how we can process it so that Each of the 600 Social Workers will not suffer excessive taxation and can take home one million leones (Le1,000,000) monthly.  We have so far secured funding to pay, on a 4 months Contract, the 600 Social Workers at a million leones per month, their District Supervisors/Data Managers (higher pay), Regional Liaison Officers (much higher pay) and a National Coordinator (6 million leones monthly) from September/October until the end of the year/January 2017. We are now continuing to lobby for


OUR CITY CEMETERIES – A PHENOMENAL NEGLECT, OR LAWLESSNESS? “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!” By: Winstanley.R.Bankole.Johnson {Courtsey: Standard Tumes Press Newspaper, Freetown: Friday August 8, 2016}       (Former Mayor of Freetown)      Winstanley.R.Bankole.Johnson One of my many “Whatssapp” banters to an old female acquaintance and seasoned medical practitioner cautioning her to avoid eating imported bananas from Nigeria because they are alleged to have been contaminated with the HIV/AIDS virus was furiously dismissed thus: “Fool!! HIV/AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via contaminated fruits!!!”I agreed, but calmly replied: “But why can’t you try to “think outside the box” that even if it isn’t the HIV/AIDS virus, a possibility exist for other contaminated imports like tinned and frozen foods or even drugs to flood our markets with nearly the same deadly potency?” She has been numb since. Her reaction was typical of the average Sierra Leonean. They rarely “think outside the box”, hence o


I  Finance Minister Speaks On FOCAC, Mamamah Airport and the Economy On 28th July 2016, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Momodu Lamin Kargbo arrived in China, with a six man delegation for a meeting on the Follow-up Actions on the implementations of the 2015 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Johannesburg Summit.   The 2015 Johannesburg Summit and the Sixth Ministerial Conference did bring about the Johannesburg Action Plan 2016-2018, an action plan that clearly outlined further areas of development cooperation between China and Africa, including but not limited to; agriculture and food security, industry Partnership and Capacity Cooperation.   Since 2007, Sierra Leone’s revenue performance has always seen an encouraging leap, with tremendous input made by its revenue collecting agency, the NRA. There has been improved collection of income taxes through the Domestic Taxes Department, coupled with the successful implementation of Goods and Services Tax


Ambassador...  Henry E Macaulay Minister of Energy analysis of the energy challenges in Sierra Leone. EDSA I believe customers deserve to have their expectations regulated with patient explanation. I understand their frustration but knowledge is power.  In electricity, we have interdependent segments and none can do without the other.  You have Generation, Transmission & Distribution and Collection. Generation is Bumbuna that is a hydro that uses the volume of water in a dam to turn turbines which produce electricity. It now full due to the heavy  rains and produces up to 50MW. We also have other thermal generators, 10MW at Kingtom and 15MW at Blackhall road. EDSA also recently rented 20MW from Aggreko and EGTC also has an additional 5MW or so at Kingtom. The last two are diesel whilst the first two are HFO. The diesel plants are very expensive to run and can consume over a million dollars monthly. Some of the thermal plants are undergoing maintenance right now to prepare them for


   {Courtsey: AWOKO NEWSPAPER                     Freetown- 29 July 2016 Sierra Leone News: CHETANYA’s View:China’s role in Sierra Leone deserves more scrutiny, less blind praise                CHETANYA ROBINSON It seems like every day the local Sierra Leone newspapers carry a story about another promise of Chinese aid or investment, another meeting in which Sierra Leonean and Chinese officials proclaim the warm, eternal friendship between the two countries. This Friday marks the 45th anniversary of China and Sierra Leone’s friendship  or at least, its diplomatic relationship. There’s been a lot of positive words on this relationship in local newspapers lately, but so far coverage seems to be light on skepticism and criticism. It’s undeniable that many of China’s investments have been good for Sierra Leone. China has helped build bridges, a dam, a stadium, roads, buildings and more. It’s bankrolled scholarships, aid for medicine, food, education and more. Not to mention, there are plan

TH POLICE, THE LAW AND THE ORDER: 'Shekitoe' speaks!

{Courtsey: THE STANDARD TIMES PRESS, Freetown. Wednesday Augusr 3rd 2016} OPENING REMARKS DELIVERED BY SHEKA TARAWALIE, DEPUTY MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS My Minister, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Joseph Bandabla Dauda, members of the high table, all other protocols observed… The need for a police force in any country needs not be over-emphasised; or perhaps needs to be over-emphasised. I’ve heard of countries without an army – countries like Costa Rica, Mauritius and Andorra are without a standing army – but no country can do without a police force. Even the Vatican City, which is a country within a country, has its own police in the form of the Swiss Guards regiment. As long as communities exist in the modern world, there has to be law and order, there has to be a protection of lives and property, and there has to be a police force. The general civilian population needs protection – hence the need for the police. In essence, the primary job of the police is to protect the