
Showing posts from March, 2018


Image *Maada Bio condemned over inflammatory statements* By Mina Jara (someone who eats Lions) Barely less than 24 hours following the public condemnation of the misguided utterances of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) presidential candidate Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio by threatening the peace and security of the state during his press conference held at Radisson Blu Hotel in Freetown, more condemnations keep pouring in. Yesterday, it was the Russian Ambassador to Sierra Leone His Excellency Alexander Bregadze who described Maada Bio’s ill-fated threats as dangerous, saying that it threatens the liberty, democracy and national sovereignty of Sierra Leone. Today, the National Election Watch (NEW) in what appears to be an afterthought issued a press release describing the SLPP presidential candidate Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio’s recent statements as inflammatory. The

Sierra Leone Police Clarify Vehicular Movement Ban On March 7

         {Courtesy }  GLOBAL NEWS NETWORK : Monrovia Liberia F rom Paul Ejime In Freetown, Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone DIGP receives Prof Sawyer Sierra Leone’s Police (SLP) have explained that the ban on vehicular movement on March 7 Election Day is aimed at securing public order and safety, consistent with the police mandate. Twelve of the 16 political parties have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the vehicular ban, with the dissenting parties alleging that the measure would infringe on the constitutional provision on free movement. Receiving the Head of ECOWAS Election Observation Mission Prof Amos Sawyer on behalf of the Inspector-General at the SLP Headquarters in Freetown on Friday 2 nd  March, Deputy Inspector-General (DIG) Al-Shek Kamara said all the political parties and the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Sierra Leone, participated in consultations that resulted in the MOU. He pointed out that under the agreement, NEC is entrusted with