*Maada Bio; A Drug Lord or A Democratically Elected President?* 

I have seen leaders,  democratically elected and those that usurped power through the barrel of the gun. But what we have never seen in past leaders, elected or not, is to hear extraordinary lies from them as we are witnessing in the Bio administration. We saw Juxon Smith, who was a complete gentleman and we saw Valentine Strasser who was a cool headed but Laissez-Faire leader, which is why he was betrayed by Maada Bio. We also saw Johnny Paul and his unpopular coup but he was another gentleman. 

The fact is that leaders are elected through democratic means because democracy provides for responsive, accountable and pragmatic leadership. If one cannot be held accountable for what they say or do in office, that system of governance is worthless and hopeless. In an accountable system, leaders are meant to behave according to laid down rules and regulations, traditions, and their behaviors and statements are seen as meeting the highest standards of human civilization, which the general public and especially young people should be able to copy from. Borrowing from the words of a highly respected states-man, Charles Francis Margai, "leaders are supposed to have a character that is beyond reproach." But when a leader is seen lying in the face of glaring facts and figures, to the very people who elected him, we begin to wonder if democracy is really producing the expected results.

We have seen constitutionally elected leaders like Siaka Stevens, J.S. Momoh, Ahmed Tejan Kabba and Ernest Bai Koroma, and what we all know is that these guys were not pathological liars. Even If some of them had lied, it is no way near how President Bio lies between his teeth and look the other way as if nothing happened. What we all know is that these set of leaders were largely playing by the books and were mindful of what they said in public or on national and international stages.

I'm writing this piece because Sierra Leoneans have seen something very unfamiliar and mostly outside our traditions and it is happening unabated. The current president is said to have been elected through democratic means but his words and behaviors will leave an indelible mark of deception in the minds of Sierra Leoneans for many years to come because I think he knows that he does not enjoy the support of SierraLeoneans or maybe it is because he has a record of failure of epic proportion. 

President Bio talks and behaves like a drug lord who is bound by no rules, no values or no tradition of the office he holds. He lies openly, he steals, he protects corrupt people within his cabinet, he is petty, and lacks that thing called magnanimity. He has never risen above being a military man and an opposition leader. I have likened him on to a drug lord because drug lords are the people who do not give account to anyone, not even their buyers and yet they do not play by any legal or democratic rules. Their only rule is to remain the leader and never to be criticized or betrayed by their subjects, even when they betray people, including their buyers and traffickers.

Maada Bio believes that because he was installed as president by some rogues after the 2018 elections, he is accountable to no Sierra Leonean; he is responsible for nothing that goes wrong; he can say whatever comes out of his mouth anywhere and anytime. Such a behave poses an existential threat to our system of accountability. 

What is more interesting to me is that this man talks with pompousity, lies with desperation and accuses other people of what he so guilty of doing. I'm not sure whether he does these things because he is clearly not a smart man or because he thinks he has God given rights to do them and will never be held accountable. 

For example, look at his accusations of the opposition as being responsible for the Pa Demba prison massacre and his calling them "terrorists" even before the commencement of any investigation; imagine his accusation that the opposition was responsible the  uneasiness that gripped the nation a year or two after he became president. Think about his instruction to the security forces to kill protesting youth in the opposition strong holds, while the same youth in the government strong holds have been seen several times demonstrating and pelting stones at security forces without a single arrest being made; think about the arbitrary arrests of several opposition members for no just cause - locking them up without evidence for months and sometimes years. Yet, Bio goes about proudly speaking of his democratic credentials at the UNGA, as if the people at UN are not aware of the daily happens in Sierra Leone. Image his latest lies at the UN about how his so called free quality education has helped to improve the lives of parents in Sierra Leone with $500 saving per child a year, when the world know that the current GPD per capita is nothing more than $470. 

Think about this for a minute! Can such a man be likened on to a President? No wonder he has done everything within his powers to meet with America's statesmen and women without success. This is because they know him and what he is capable of doing to destroying a country and it democratic principles. Sad!!

I keep wondering; is he doing all of these because he is slow to understand things; because he is pompous or is it because he believes he will not be held accountable like any drug lord? I believe that he thinks the latter. Because he was installed by rogues around the world for geopolitical and other uninteresting reason to the Sierra Leoneans, after he participated in arbitrary killings in 1992 and after stealing huge funds from the country's coffers and went away, he believes he can do the same thing and go scotfree.

Well, it is quintessential and  timely that we send him a loud message that he does not own SierraLeone! I don't care where you go after you leave power, "Mr. President", the people of Sierra Leone will bring you to justice, by ANY means necessary, as long you live. 

By  God's grace!-

For public consumption!!




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